Thursday, October 7, 2010


Can I just say that I am very upset with how cruel people can be!! It amazes me sometimes the insane amounts of inhumanity that people in this world can dish out towards others! It is nuts! I have stopped watching the news lately because that is all they seem to talk about! People treating people worse than abused animals!!
Just yesterday they were talking about military protests at soldier's funerals and I was shocked at how these people can go to a young man's funeral and tell his family that their child will burn in hell for protecting the country that gives them their rights!! I don't care what your feelings are about war! I hate it as much as the next person and wish it would end BUT you have NO RIGHT to go to the mourning site of a family and disrespect them and the child that they had to put in the ground! I don't care if you do it 100 yard away, next to the grave or even in the next state! You have NO RIGHT to say that a young man DESERVED to die!
Another debate is about Gay Right's and the LDS church! Yes Elder Packer said the LDS religion defines marriage as Man/Woman and yes he said it isn't right to legalize immoral unions and acts! He nor any other member of the presidency have EVER said we do not accept these people as children of God! The Gay and Lesbian community protest constantly making it sound as if we as members think them to be a disease of the earth to wipe out and take rights from! We have never denied them the right to be free to love whomever they choose but they have chosen to perform lewd acts on sacred ground and protest what we hold sacred! The church has never once responded in a rude manner towards this community and yet they constantly seek out opportunities to make "examples" of the mormons! It is insane!
Lastly and possibly the most sad is of how many young children I have seen murdered or attempted to have their young lives shorten by their parents! Young children beaten by their mother, father, step-parents and others simply because they were "annoyed" with the child's behavior! Also those parent's who have attempted and a few times suceeded to take not only their lives but their children's also! How have we sunk soo low in our time that when we turn to suicide we have to take our children to either not be alone or "protect" them?! Protection is exactly what these poor children are being denied! When will we stop the violence?
Cancer, HIV, Aids, Drugs, Alcohol! None of these compare anymore! Violence is the worst disease we have infecting our country! Until we realize this and make sufficient attempts to find and administer a "cure" we are doomed to continue infecting the populous and cutting short Lives that could have been happy, loving and fulfilled!
