Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Dream

I never got a chance to record a dream that I had a few weeks ago so I am going to do it now before I forget! A few weeks prior I was having a very hard time! I was feeling very useless in my family and very undeserving to have another birthday come around to remind me of my unworthy state in life! Well On a night of deepest depression I had a dream that shook me to the core! I don't remember the details of the dream only that in it I had an older brother! For those who know me know that I am the oldest child and the only of whom has brown hair and hazel eyes! Yes sadly I am lost in a see of blonde hair and blue eyes! In this dream My brother was a very handsome young man who to my astonishment had brown hair and hazel eyes! In the dream I remembered crying and him taking me into his arms and telling me "you are doing great! Just hold on you are going to make it!" I woke up from my dream crying just as hard as in the dream! The next day during a conversation with my mother and sister I decided to share my odd dream with them! After my dream retelling was over my mom said to me "You knew I had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with you, right?" I swear I had a chill shoot straight down my spine and I burst into tears! To this day I have no sad feelings about this dream or what I learned after it! I only have a deep felt love for this brother that I never met and a knowing that perhaps he is my guardian angel helping me through these rough times waiting for a day when perhaps we can embrace each other again!

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