Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Roll! Roll! Roll In Zee Grass!! Then EAT IT YOSHI!!

Soo... I figured that since the last post was a downer I will also put up a more light hearted post! Yesterday I was having a downer day which brought me to tears a few times! When I logged onto Facebook I posted the following as my status: "Don't always assume that someone is ok because most likely they aren't... Maybe they just don't want you to see them fall apart." Because honestly that's how I felt! My family (except Mandi) seems to look at me and see a normal me even though inside I feel like a rabid wolverine was let loose to rip me apart! I look fine but I feel... I dunno. Broken. My family doesn't realize this. They think I have moved on from my "ordeal" and am now happy as a clam. I am not the type of person that will just break down and let the world see my raw emotions. I just can't. I feel like a new species that is being studied to see what's different from the norm. Mostly this comes from my "lovely" childhood which was wracked with fear of letting my true self show and stupid idiot Therapists who didn't want it to be shown! I am just an not comfortable showing myself unless I am trully comfortable with a certain person. Anyways I am rambling off topic! So I posted my status and who rushes to my rescue other that my knight in shining armor! Pete!! Yep he rocks! So as soon as he sees that and practically smells the deep need for a friend he swoops down and asks if I need his assistance! Isn't he awesome!! So I told him I was just feeling lonely and wanted someone to hang out and what does he say? I'll be over in a minute! Yesiree he is the best! He also gave me a good life by stating that he just got showered and would be here as soon as he found some pants! hahahahaha! Yep... but that is a different story which I do not want to jump into right now! :)
So fast forward a few minutes and he is here! Ta-Da! It was soo much fun because he was here from like 9 p.m. til no joke 4 a.m.!! It was the best night ever! Mandi, Pete and I just laid on a blanket in the yard forever! Kourtney was there too but sadly she left at like 12 or 1 ish. Anyways we basically just were talking, goofing and being random when suddenly at like 3 a.m. Pete and Mandi get in this HUGE wrestling match! They were trying to make each other eat grass.... gross but highly entertaining to watch! I watched them basically pretzel up with each other neither being able to move for like severals minutes because they were soo tangled! They went at it for almost an hour until it ended in a prolonged time out seeing as neither would give in to defeat! Sadly after it ended Pete left.... I cried. No not really but I was sad to see him go! I love having him around because he just makes life happy! Especially lately when I need someone to keep my mind off sad thoughts and on the happy wackyness of life! And no I am not just saying this because I know you will be reading this Peter!! I mean it! It was one of the funnest nights ever! It is up there with the Jewish Wedding Party hahaha! I wish I would have joined in the ruckus, Mandi was saying today "why didn't you jump into the wrestling fun?!" But I am a gutless, spineless, fearful little worm who is afraid of talking to a cute pizza delivery boy let alone wrestling with an attractive guy friend! Yes Pete I did just say that! Make fun of me later! Plus obviously I am weird because I cannot say the word Sexy in a normal voice. I practiced for a while today but I still think it sounds off... I am odd I know! Anyways that was my awesome night with AWESOME Peter and AWESOME Mandi!

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